About the book:
In this book, the Author
(Manoj Radhakrishnan) shares with you the fool proof method to build credibility and improve branding with your Intellectual property (IP) assets if you are an individual inventor/innovator or a person running a business around your innovation or an aspiring entrepreneur or even if you are one who is running a start-up. He shows how sustainable and successful business can be run by protecting innovation using patents.
Innovators and businesses usually think of providing innovative products and services to their customers but ignore or underrate the value of protecting their core IP assets associated with it. Here the author explains how we can identify our IP assets and make the best use of it. He shares the key steps and strategies involved in the timely protection of technical innovation by patents and provides insights on what could be done with it to be successful.
In Inno Waiting? you will learn about different intellectual property rights that can be associated with a successful business. The book provides strategies to harvest technical innovations and will take you through some key patenting processes to protect them. Approaches you can adopt for stronger, broader, timely patent protection are also discussed. You will get insights on how to brand your business with patents and grow it by developing a patent portfolio. The book also reveals different proven ways of exploiting your patent rights to make a profit.
The book also includes views and insights of patent practitioners across the globe which will provide us with a very broad understanding and a global perspective on Patent protection. The book will undoubtedly give the required confidence to scale your business to a global platform without any fear and with the reassurance of a strong patent protection.